Fellowship Events
Shrove Tuesday
Also known as Fat Tuesday, there is a pancake supper at the Parish hall the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It's an all you can eat pancake (usually 4 different types), bacon, and sausage dinner. And like all of our other dinners, there are lots of desserts.
Gift Basket Auction
A recent addition to our fellowship has been the annual Gift Basket auction sponsored by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW). This event is held in April, and is supported and attended by many in the congregation.
Sunday School Picnic
Hosted by the Vestry, our annual Sunday School picnic derives its name from the Sunday School registration that is held after the family service on a Sunday in September. Tables and barbecue grills are set up in the rear parking lot behind the Parish Hall for a buffet lunch. Many of the salads and desserts are homemade for the enjoyment of all. Games are provided for the children, with young and old alike sharing vacation stories. During this time, families register their children for Sunday school classes, renew old friendships and welcome newcomers.
Spaghetti Dinner
Our Spaghetti Dinner at St. John's is an annual event supported and enjoyed by many throughout the area. This event is one of the largest single fundraiser for the Parish and provides camaraderie and fellowship for all who get involved in selling tickets, and preparing and serving the meal. It is always held the Saturday before Thanksgiving
Other Fellowship Events
Youth Group Events
Lenten Quiet Day
Winter Soup Sale
Coffee hour after the 10:00 AM service
Annual Parish Meeting Luncheon
Easter Egg Hunt