Reverend Canon Richard Wrede, Priest in Charge
Get to know our Priest, Reverend Canon Richard Wrede and find out more about St. John’s…
Many thanks to Branko Jakominich and Navy Blue Films for this work.
Our Vestry
2024 Vestry:
Senior/Rector's Warden: D. Lee Jones
Junior/People's Warden: E. Richard Jones
Vestry Members:
Julia Alford-Peirce, Dot Blindenbacher, Pat Bosch, Peggy Cardone, Greg Gleason, Mike Lutz, Christa Martinez, David Martinez, Eric Sikorski, Judy Vaughan-Sterling, Ellie Vahey, Mary Wonderlin
Our Parish Staff
Parish Priest - The Revd Canon Richard C. Wrede
Deacon - The Revd Ken Carpinelli, Dcn
Music Director - The Revd Lawrence De Pasquale, Dcn
Sexton - Joe Waller
Parish Secretary - Shirley Muller
Treasurer - Peggy Cardone
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Grace be unto you and peace:
As the subject heading makes clear, all public worship services within the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, at the direction of our Bishop, the Rt. Revd William H. Stokes, are suspended as a result of the national and state declarations of emergency concerning the coronavirus pandemic.
During this time, we at St. John's will do all that we can to support the spiritual, mental, & emotional needs of our members while protecting their physical health. Though we will not offer our usual public worship, we will continue loving God & loving God’s people. We will offer our prayers, praises, laments, and worship in writing, via phone call, and online. We ask all our members to care for each other and their neigh-bors in the same way. Though we may not shake hands or give hugs, we can call, write, encourage & support each other and our neighbors. I ask you to keep a careful eye out for those who struggle during this time of isolation, anxiety, and prolonged worry.
I will be present in church at all three weekend worship services during the suspension to worship with whomever comes. I will be in the office during regular office hours and by appointment.I will be accessible via email and telephone. I ask all of our tech gurus to volunteer and help us to set up what we need to stream at least the 10 AM worship service going forward. We already have some folks planning to see what we can do. If you're willing, I'll connect them with you. Perhaps we can set up something for our Sunday School as well.My hope is that we will resume public worship by Palm Sunday, April 4-5.
And meanwhile we pray:
Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Amen.
The links to Bishop Stokes' message and the message of our Presiding Bishop, the Most Revd Michael Curry can be found below.
The Revd Canon Richard C. Wrede
Parish priest
The Church of St. John the Evangelist
Chews Landing, NJ
Bishop Stokes' statement: https://mailchi.mp/dioceseofnj.org/bishop-stokes-announces-immediate-suspension-of-public-worship-services?e=19ad98e868
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's statement: https://episcopalchurch.org/posts/publicaffairs/presiding-bishop-curry-statement-coronavirus