Acolytes and Servers
Acolyte service is open to all members of the parish who desire to serve at the Altar of God. Servers and acolytes carry the processional cross and torches, receive the offering from the ushers, and assist the clergy in various aspects of the liturgy.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare the altars for all services. They care for silver, linens, altar hangings and vestments. New members are always welcome.
St. John's is blessed with a small, high quality choir. These men and women give of their time and talents to praise the Lord in song. The choir participates in our 10:00 am Sunday morning family service, as well as several special services during the year. Our choir also participates in ecumenical choir services in the area. Our Music Director is Lawrence De Pasquale. If you are interested in joining the choir, please come on Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm; rehearsal in the church.
Church School
The Church School Director, volunteer teachers and parent assistants prepare and lead our Sunday School program from mid-September through mid-June each year, in classes or pre-school through high school. Help, support and new ideas are always welcome!
St. John's is surrounded by beautiful grounds, including a cemetery. Some graves date to the Revolutionary era. An area for cremains is available. Members of the Churchyard Committee oversee use of the grounds and cemetery plots.
External Eucharist Ministry
This ministry is a wonderful way to keep our shut-in and homebound church members involved with the extended family of St. John’s. Each EEM team takes communion to these wonderful people once a month, after mass on Sundays. These visitations are in addition to the visits that the Rev. Margaret Sterchi makes. The only requirement to being an EEM participant is that you are a member in good standing of St. John’s and are 18 years old.
Flower and Candle Memorials
This committee oversees gifts for altar flowers and for candles throughout the year.
Readers and Chalicists
Readers participate in the service by reading the Old and New Testament lessons. Chalicists are licensed to administer the host or chalice during communion.
Ushers are responsible for greeting everyone as they arrive for a service, for distributing the bulletins, receiving the offering and assisting as needed during services.
Vestry members are elected for a three-year period. Four new members are elected each year, as well as a Senior Warden and Junior Warden. The vestry oversees the parish finances, property needs and repairs, and provides overall administrative leadership.
Youth Ministry
The young people of St. John's are involved throughout the year in a variety of social events, outreach programs and service to the church. Additional information on the Youth Ministry is available under Christian Education.
All photography provided by Shelby Myers & Julia Alford-Peirce