Christmas Eve Service with Choir
Christmas Eve service of Holy Communion with Choir. Join the celebration as we sing praises to our Lord!

Christmas Eve Services (Copy)
Christmas Pageant and Holy Eucharist
Come and celebrate with a retelling of the birth of our Lord in the Christmas Pageant and draw close through the Holy Eucharist. The service begins at 4:30 PM.

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Day
Service of Holy Communion Rite II at 10:00 AM

St. Paul's in Camden outreach (Copy)
We will bring and serve hot food for the homeless and needy at St. Paul’s Church in Camden. Our group will leave the church parking lot around 3:30 PM to head to St. Paul’s.

Blue Christmas Service
The Christmas season can be a time of sorrow for many who have lost loved ones, or are lonely, or concerned with personal issues, especially during this lingering pandemic. At our Blue Christmas Service, we will lift our sadness to the Holy Spirit of God as we search for comfort, hope and peace. Candles will be lit as we name our cares. The mystery of the live flame is a symbol of the living presence of the Holy Spirit bringing light and life into our lives. The light of our candle prayers will continue to reach heaven as they burn, even after we leave, assuring us that God’s Holy Spirit will continue to comfort you and your loved ones.

St. John’s Advent Quiet Day-
Everyone is invited to start Advent with a day of quiet as we meditate on classical works of art and take a journey on our own labyrinth. We will begin in the church with Morning Prayer and an opportunity to choose your own copy of a beautiful painting from a large collection of prints. After a short, guided meditation you can “retreat” to your favorite pew or nook of the church or parish hall for a quiet time alone. A printed contemplation guide will be available. We will gather in the Parish Hall for noon-day prayers and lunch. And, if you wish, you can share your art contemplations and make a guided journey in our labyrinth. Bring your own lunch. And remember to bring one small item to share with one other person. Coffee, tea, and a cold beverage will be provided. The Rev. Anne Wrede and The Rev. Judy Vaughan-Sterling will serve as our guides. Anne’s cell phone for texting is 856 206-3016 Please register at arkwrede@juno.com or sign up on the sheet in St. John’s Church.

American Guild of Organists Annual Service of Worship
St. John's is hosting the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists annual service of worship on Sunday, October 20 at 4 PM. Canon Wrede will celebrate the Lord's Supper with music from the Tudor era using the Rite I liturgy. Our very kind ECW is preparing a reception to follow based on snack foods eaten during the Tudor times. A freewill offering will benefit the chapter's scholarship fund for new organists.
The public is invited.

Blessing of the Animals
The Annual Blessing of the Animals to celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi will be held today Sunday, October 6th at 12 Noon on the labyrinth next to the parish hall. Circle the date and know that dogs and cats, birds and rats, stuffed and imaginary – all pets are welcome to this joyous celebration of life.

The Girls’ Friendly Society
The Girls’ Friendly Society at St. John’s. They will celebrate the GFS World Day of Prayer with a presentation at the coffee hour after the 10 AM service. The next meeting of the group will be Mon. Oct. 7th, 6:30-8:00 PM. Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) provides ministry to girls in a safe and accepting environment where Christ’s love is evident. GFS-USA is a community within the Episcopal Church and a member of the World Council of GFS. For information on St. John’s chapter, please contact Deborah Buck (856-745-0193, dabuck62@comcast.net). For more information on the international Girls’ Friendly, check out their website at https://www.gfsus.org/

St. Paul's in Camden outreach
We will bring and serve hot food for the homeless and needy at St. Paul’s Church in Camden. Our group will leave the church parking lot around 3:30 PM to head to St. Paul’s.

The Girls’ Friendly Society
The Girls’ Friendly Society from St. Mary’s Clementon is moving to St. John’s. They will meet every other Mon. 6:30-8:30PM. Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) provides ministry to girls in a safe and accepting environment where Christ’s love is evident. GFS-USA is a community within the Episcopal Church and a member of the World Council of GFS. For information on St. John’s chapter, please contact Deborah Buck (856-745-0193, dabuck62@comcast.net). For more information on the international Girls’ Friendly, check out their website at https://www.gfsus.org/

The Day of Pentecost
This is the third most important feast of the Christian calendar. A celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. At the 10:00 AM service we will have volunteers who read a short piece of the Pentecost passage from Acts chapter 2 to approximate what happened on the first Pentecost, when those in attendance heard the disciples speak in other languages as the spirit moved them. Come Holy Spirit, our souls inspire!

ECW Picnic
All women of St. John's are invited to the Episcopal Church Women's picnic at Noon on Wednesday, May 15th at the Red Bank Battlefield. A good time together, just for fun, is promised with food, games, and a gentle walk around this beautiful park. Please bring a chair, a drink, and something to share. Hoagies will be provided. If you plan to come, please text or phone Mary Wonderlin (609 560-9153) so she can plan for the sandwiches.
The picnic will take place at the Parish Hall if it rains

Sunday of the Resurrection- Easter Day
8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10 AM Choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil
6 PM The Great Vigil of Easter with Lighting of the Paschal Candle & Holy Eucharist

Weekend of the Passion/Palm Sunday
Sat 5 PM-Liturgy of the Palms & Eucharist, Rite II
8 AM Liturgy of the Palms & Eucharist, Rite I
10:00 AM Liturgy of the Palms, Solemn Procession & Holy Eucharist

St. John’s Lenten Quiet Day- RESCHEDULED
Lenten Quiet Day Sat. March 23, 10am-2pm at St. John’s Chews Landing
Everyone is invited to start off Holy Week with a day of quiet as we meditate on classical works of art and a journey on our own labyrinth on Saturday, March 23, 10a -2pm.
We will begin in the church with Morning Prayer and an opportunity to choose your own copy of a beautiful painting from a large collection of prints. After a short, guided meditation you can “retreat” to your favorite pew or nook of the church or parish hall for a quiet time alone.
We will gather for lunch and Noon Day Prayers and then, if you wish, make a journey on our labyrinth.
Bring your own lunch. And remember to bring one item to share with one other person.
Coffee, tea, and cold beverages will be provided. The Rev. Anne Wrede
and The Rev. Judy Vaughn-Sterling will serve as our guides.
Church of Saint John the Evangelist | 1720 Old Black Horse Pike,
Chews Landing, NJ 08012 | Anne’s cell phone is 856 206-3016
Please register at arkwrede@juno.com or sign up on the sheet in St. John’s Church.

Lord of Life Gathering
Join us after the 10:00 service in the Parish Hall for fellowship and discussion about how and where we see Christ in our lives.

Youth Group Bowling Night !
We will be hosting a Bowling night on Saturday, February 17th at Bowlero in Deptford from 6:30 – 8:30. We’re still pulling together the details, but we’ll have some lanes reserved for the kids with snacks (pizza, soda, etc.) for the first hour and a half, then they can play arcade games or hang out for the last half hour.
The cost will be no more than $20 per kid. But please let me know if the cost is prohibitive for anyone – we have funds to help out!
Lent Madness
Lent Madness returns to St. John’s. It began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. Tim Schenck. In seeking a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints, Tim came up with this unique Lenten devotion. The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first round consists of basic biographical information about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks and explore legends. For further info, contact Deacon Ken or www.lentmadness.org.

Ash Wednesday Services
The solemn season of Lent opens on ASH WEDNESDAY, February 22. We will commemorate the solemnity with three services that includes the Ash Wednesday Liturgy, Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist at 7:30 AM, 10:00AM, and 7:30PM (with Choir). Please take this opportunity to renew your faith and begin a begin a Holy Lent.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Pancake supper - (plain, blueberry, chocolate chip) Take out Available.
Cost: Adults $10, Children (12 & under) $5, Kids (2 & under) FREE, Family- $30

225 Annual Meeting of the Parish
The 225th Annual Meeting of the Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Chews Landing, New Jersey will be held next Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024 following the 10 AM Eucharist. We ask that those in charge of parish ministries please get their annual reports ready and in the church office, preferably via email. We will have a Pot luck lunch during the meeting. Please sign up with what you will be bringing.

Christmas Eve Service with Music
Celebrate the birth of Christ with candles and hymns and the Holy Eucharist. Tonight, starting at 10:30 PM towards midnight.

Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Pageant and Holy Eucharist
Come and celebrate with a retelling of the birth of our Lord in the Christmas Pageant and draw close through the Holy Eucharist. The service begins at 4:30 PM.

Youth Group Christmas Party
There will be a Christmas Party this Saturday Dec. 16th 6:30-9:30 with games, snacks, and time to remember the reason for the season, Jesus! Please bring a white elephant gift (under $10) to exchange.

Founders' Day Services
We will celebrate the 234th year of the Church of St. John the Evangelist using the communion service from the 1789 Book of Common Prayer at the 8 & 10 AM services, along with wearing colonial era vestments and music appropriate to the occasion.