Everyone is invited to start Advent with a day of quiet as we meditate on classical works of art and take a journey on our own labyrinth. We will begin in the church with Morning Prayer and an opportunity to choose your own copy of a beautiful painting from a large collection of prints. After a short, guided meditation you can “retreat” to your favorite pew or nook of the church or parish hall for a quiet time alone. A printed contemplation guide will be available. We will gather in the Parish Hall for noon-day prayers and lunch. And, if you wish, you can share your art contemplations and make a guided journey in our labyrinth. Bring your own lunch. And remember to bring one small item to share with one other person. Coffee, tea, and a cold beverage will be provided. The Rev. Anne Wrede and The Rev. Judy Vaughan-Sterling will serve as our guides. Anne’s cell phone for texting is 856 206-3016 Please register at arkwrede@juno.com or sign up on the sheet in St. John’s Church.